My Soul Space

Nov 2020 photo @ brebloomquist

Nov 2020 photo @ brebloomquist


During our retreats we often share our ‘truewellbeing.’ The part of you that makes you special, your soul essence that’s always there (even if you don’t acknowledge it or believe it.) I am going to share my essence with you, and I hope that you will share some of ‘your truewellbeing’ in the comments too.

I am a 59 year old woman— mom to three (now all grown up) children, a wife, a dog and horse lover who is happiest when I am with my family, a horse and in nature.

What do I love to do?

I feel most content when I read or write, meditate, rest in a yoga pose or just relax at home with the family. I love to think deeply and philosophize about how intuitive we all are, I often ask myself and others what is your ‘knowningness’ feeling. You could call me the definition of a ‘home body.’ I love to create a nest of sacred space. I like to re-arrange our furniture, clear out things that don’t ‘spark joy’, turn our garden flowers into a bouquet for the table. To light incense and candles and create a mood. I love to paint, especially with art as a muse as the painting process feels like a meditation. All of these things make me feel good, like a connection that sparks life as it should be.

What do you do?

When asked what I do, I often wrestle with what to say, but if I had to name it? I am a mother, a writer and an inspirer. Mothering has asked me to reach down into the depths of me and extracted a more soulful woman than I knew possible. My love of the written word is also a way I tap into my deeper self, my soul. Language of the Soul 52 Affirmations to Guide You is my latest offering which has brought deep satisfaction through the process. And, to observe one of our grown children, or to feel good about something I have written, my heart sings. When I facilitate a workshop or retreat my soul feels connected to others.

After all these years—staff nursing, raising a family, writing books, if I gave my younger self a good piece of advice, what would that be? To weave your soul into your everyday. To pull the thread of what brings you joy. And as simple as this idea sounds, to then spend more time doing these things. I often use this journal prompt— “What do you love to do? What do you love to do so much that you lose track of time doing it?”

Feel the sacredness every day

Whether mothering or crafting your day—I believe that all of us are capable of feeling the sacredness within us. In doing this we radiate our best and true self to all those around us. With our current climate, now more than ever it’s essential to focus our energies on where we place value, and often we need to stop and think about what those values represent. Who doesn’t want more peace, grace and connection in their life? To live a healthy happy life filled with integrity and honesty and to hold a deep respect for ourself and others.

Join me in finding sacredness, begin to weave the thread of joy, and the divine will pull the thread.

Language of the Soul 52 Affirmations to Guide You